Confederate Truths: Documents of the Confederate & Neo-Confederate Tradition from 1787 to the Present.

U.S. Senator Fletcher of Florida explains to the United Daughters of the Confederacy that the cause wasn't entirely lost since white supremacy was maintained.
Confederate Veteran, Vol. 40 No. 1, January 1932, pp. 8-13. The following are extracts from a speech titled, "The Cause Was Not Entirely Lost," by United States Senator Duncan U. Fletcher, before the United Daughters of the Confederacy convention, Jacksonville, Florida, November 19, 1931. It is a lengthy speech about states rights and the Constitution, but eventually gets to the following point on page 11 and repeated in the closing on page 12. I think there must be a great many speeches like this by prominent persons in the late 19th and early 20th century.
Extracts from the speech:
Page 11
The South fought to preserve race integrity. Did we lose that?
We fought to maintain free white dominion. Did we lose that?
The States are in control of the people.
Local self-government, democratic government, obtains. That was not lost.
The rights of the sovereign States, under the Constitution, are recognized. We did not lose that.
Page 12
I submit that what is called "The Lost Cause" was not so much "lost" as is sometimes supposed.
The right of secession at the time under the Constitution, as they said, is recognized by the best authorities.
The rights of the States, in principle, survive, although ignored, disregarded, and denounced as treason for a while, when it suited those in power.
The independent, unashamed spirit of the people survives.
Race integrity survives.
Free white dominion survives.
The vitality of the Constitution exists.