Confederate Truths: Documents of the Confederate & Neo-Confederate Tradition from 1787 to the Present.

Sons of Confederate Veterans on immigrants and their own Anglo-Saxon purity
Sons of Confederate Veterans on immigrants and their own Anglo-Saxon purity
Confederate Veteran, Vol. 31 No. 9, September 1923, pp. 354, General Notes in the Sons of Confederate Veterans page. The Confederate Veteran was the official publication of the United Confederate Veterans, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Confederated Southern Memorial Association, and the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
TWO BIDS FOR BRICKBATS OR BOUQUETS.—There was no fight of our forefathers against the Union, but against a dominant party which had seized the government and was running it contrary to the spirit our ancestors breathed into it. It is idle to charge the South with endeavoring to wreck the Union, they fought to save constitutional government and the rights of small peoples to govern themselves, and against that Moloch, centralization. If the South had won, the North could have been admitted into a Union reconstructed on the constitutional principles upon which the country was founded, just as, having lost, the South was admitted into a Union in which these bedrock principles had been ruthlessly crushed under the heel of military power.
Long ago I made the prediction that when the All-American, Anglo-Saxon last stand was made in this country, the scene of the stand would be here in the South. The last ditch of resistance to "isms" will be dug in the South. Signs of this multiply daily. The West seethes with a strange mixture of socialism, bolshevism, sovietism, Germanism, and parts of the country there are no more American than are Jugo-Slavia, Poland, or Albania. We have recently seen elected to the Senate of the United States from out there a man who cannot pronounce his own name in English, and there is one Western Senator who wants recognition of the murderous Russian Soviet government. All the great cities of the North have become mere swarming places of a miscellaneous horde of foreign peoples. Here in the South there is no sovietism or bolshevism, it would not be healthy. Our foreign population is so small as scarcely to count in percentages. The foreign infusion will come later, perhaps, and when it comes the means of combating submergence by it will doubtless be discovered. We are not unfamiliar with threatened submergence, and we have had experience in self-preservation. When the time comes this experience will doubtless stand the whole nation in very good stead.