Confederate Truths: Documents of the Confederate & Neo-Confederate Tradition from 1787 to the Present.

S.A. Cunningham, "Confederate Veteran" editor urges white solidarity
Confederate Veteran, editor S.A. Cunningham, Vol. 8 No. 11, November 1900, pp. 480, explains the meaning of "Solid South," which according to him is Southern white solidarity. The Confederate Veteran was the official publication of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, United Confederate Veterans, Confederated Southern Memorial Assocation, and the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Let us be thankful for respite from political wrangle for a few years, during which tine let us get the bearings in the South whereby unity of sentiment and action may be continued. One of the most grievous things that could happen in the South would be disruption of methods whereby the white people, after having wrested their State governments from carpet-bag rule, achieved the wonderful result of restoring public credit after the general bankruptcy brought about by devastating war and "reconstruction."
Good men differ about the purposes and character of the late candidates for President, and now that the election is over, let us all take a rest. Sufficient unto the day is the evil that is to come. The purpose of this writing is to plead that our people stand together for the good of our common country. Race issues demand this, even should the people become lukewarm in the associations whereby we have been so constantly and universally sympathetic through more than three decades. The severity and bitterness of the long years of reconstruction may have had greater compensation than we realized through the devotion of the Southern people to each other. Those attachments should continue as long as there be memories to revere of sacrifice in a common cause. No issues having pecuniary consideration should ever cause a breach among our people. All lines of patriotic life were above that so long that the surrender would lower our political morality below what we can afford. The people of the Southern States should meet in convention, if necessary, to maintain the solidarity of the section. "Solid South" is a term used in intended discredit to the people of the South, but results have caused that sentiment to be a benefit to the section, and thereby a blessing to the nation. In this connection the most hopeful sign of the race problem is the action of prominent negroes in publicly advocating the wisdom and the justice of their race, looking to the white people of the South as their best friends.