Confederate Truths: Documents of the Confederate & Neo-Confederate Tradition from 1787 to the Present.

"Confederate Veteran" on slavery as "the kindliest relation that ever existed between the two races in this country."
Confederate Veteran on slavery as "the kindliest relation that ever existed between the two races in this country."
Confederate Veteran, Vol. 14 No. 12, December 1906, pp. 547-8. This is the introduction to an article on faithful old slaves, "The Old Slave," by George H. Moffett, Parkersburg, W. VA.
It shows what the point of these faithful old slave stories was about. The Confederate Veteran was the official publication of the United Confederate Veterans, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Confederated Southern Memorial Association, and the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
The introduction to the article is as follows:
Theorists and imaginary philanthropists may indulge in vain speculation from now until doomsday about bringing up the negro race to a plane of equality with the white race, yet back of it all lies the immutable law written by the finger of God upon the chart of human destiny which makes race equality an impossibility. Whom God has parted asunder, no man can join together.
The kindliest relation that ever existed between the two races in this country, or that ever will, was the ante-bellum relation of master and slave—a relation of confidence and responsibility on the part of the master and of dependence and fidelity on the part of the slave.
Two instances of slave fidelity, which came under my personal observation are still so fresh in memory that I deem them worthy of record, especially as they furnish such forcible illustration of the tender relations existing between the two races under the old regime.