Confederate Truths: Documents of the Confederate & Neo-Confederate Tradition from 1787 to the Present.

"Confederate Veteran" has "sincere suggestions to young negroes as to how they may ingratiate themselves into the good will of white people."
Confederate Veteran has "sincere suggestions to young negroes as to how they may ingratiate themselves into the good will of white people."
Confederate Veteran, "Jerry May Got His Old Mistress a Pension," Vol. 13 No. 9, September 1905, pp. 423. The follow is the conclusion from an article about faithful slaves, and is advice to "young negroes" which is for the "good" of the "inferior race." The Confederate Veteran was the official publication of the United Confederate Veterans, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Confederated Southern Memorial Association, and the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
In the Confederate Veteran besides articles whose primary topic is a defense of slavery or white supremacy and racist assertions, there are a lot of other articles whose primary topic is something else, but will have in it sections such as the following:
These are sincere suggestions to young negroes as to how they may ingratiate themselves into the good will of white people. It would be well for them to consider how they can best advance their highest interest. Those of the South should not forget that the element of their color at the North are no credit to the race as a class, and that the result is fast creating far bitterer prejudices against them in that section than has ever existed in the South. If young negroes at the South would accept conditions that cannot be overcome they would speedily find friendships among them that would be as lasting as it is with their parents. It is for the good of all and more for the inferior race that general friendly relations exist. Let any of them try it, and they will not regret it. The Southern people remember the amiable dispositions of the race, and will be diligent to aid them if they will adopt the only method possible for friendly relations. This advice is in as friendly spirit as it is possible to write, and it is meant to emphasize the advice to negroes. If they will maintain the rule of due politeness to white people, they will find among them stanch friends who will see that they are justly treated under all circumstances.