Confederate Truths: Documents of the Confederate & Neo-Confederate Tradition from 1787 to the Present.

Georgia Platform of 1850

Georgia Platform of 1850

During the controversies of 1850 over slavery, some states issued platforms. This is the Georgia Platform, from "A Constitutional View of the Late War Between the States: Its Causes, Character, Conduct and Results," by Alexander H. Stephens, former Vice-President of the Confederacy, in Vol. II, Appendix B, pages 676-7, copyright 1870, 1994 reprint by Sprinkle Publications, a contemporary Confederate Christian publisher. Note the threat to disrupt the Union if their pro-slavery positions are not met.

The state legislature of Georgia called for a special state convention to consider the Compromise of 1850 over slavery.

Georgia Platform

To the end that the position of this State may be clearly apprehended by her Confederates of the South and of the North, and that she may be blameless of all future consequences—

Be it resolved by the people of Georgia in Convention assembled, First. That we hold the American Union secondary in importance only to the rights and principles it was designed to perpetuate. That past associations, present fruition, and future prospects, will bind us to it so long as it continues to be the safe-guard of those rights and principles.

Second. That if the thirteen original Parties to the Compact, bordering the Atlantic in a narrow belt, while their separate interests were in embryo, their peculiar tendencies scarcely developed, their revolutionary trials and triumphs still green in memory, found Union impossible without compromise, the thirty­one of this day may well yield somewhat in the conflict of opinion and policy, to preserve that Union which has extended the sway of Republican Government over a vast wilderness to another ocean, and proportionately advanced their civilization and national greatness.

Third. That in this spirit the State of Georgia has maturely considered the action of Congress, embracing a series of measures for the admission of California into the Union, the organization of Territorial Governments for Utah and New Mexico, the establishment of a boundary between the latter and the State of Texas, the suppression of the slave­trade in the District of Columbia, and the extradition of fugitive slaves, and (connected with them) the rejection of propositions to exclude slavery from the Mexican Territories, and to abolish it in the District of Columbia; and whilst she does not wholly approve, will abide by it as a permanent adjustment of this sectional controversy.

Fourth. That the State of Georgia, in the judgment of this Convention, will and ought to resist, even (as a last resort) to a disruption of every tie which binds her to the Union, any future Act of Congress abolishing Slavery in the District of Columbia, without the consent and petition of the slaveholders thereof, or any Act abolishing Slavery in places within the slave­holding States, purchased by the United States for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock­yards, navy­yards, and other like purposes; or in any Act suppressing the slave­trade between slave­holding States; or in any refusal to admit as a State any Territory applying because of the existence of Slavery therein; or in any Act prohibiting the introduction of slaves into the Territories of Utah and New Mexico; or in any Act repealing or materially modifying the laws now in force for the recovery of fugitive slaves.

Fifth. That it is the deliberate opinion of this Convention, that upon the faithful execution of the Fugitive Slave Bill by the proper authorities, depends the preservation of our much loved Union.